How to Rate an Indicator

MEF supports an evaluation process based on 44 criteria segregated into 8 different dimensions. The framework can be employed to perform a formative or summative evaluation of a MOOC for different dimensions to gain insights on the areas of strength and weakness. An overall judgment can be made on the extent to which the benchmark indicator is achieved.

Each indicator is rated on a four-point scale (missing, inadequate, proficient or distinguished) ranging from to 3, demonstrating the level of performance. To guide on how to score with respect to a particular indicator, performance levels have been briefly described below.

Performance level
Missing (M) If no attempt is made in addressing the listed indicator during the design of a particular criterion in the MOOC pedagogy, then you put a checkmark in the column titled as ‘Missing (M)’. The score received for M will be 0.
Inadequate (I) If there is an attempt to address the listed indicator for a specified criterion in the MOOC pedagogy but the indicator guidelines are rarely/minimally/partially met, or not met most of the time in its implementation, then you put a checkmark in this column titled as ‘Inadequate (I)’. The score received for I will be 1, which indicates that there is an attempt, but it is not adequate in terms of learner-centric pedagogy design.
Adequate (A) If the listed indicator for a specified criterion is addressed in the MOOC pedagogy and most of the indicator guidelines are largely met majority of the time, then you put a checkmark in this column titled as ‘Adequate (A)’. The score received for A will be 2, which indicates an adequate attempt has been made to integrate learner-centric strategies in your course pedagogy design.
Proficient (P) If all the listed indicator guidelines for a specified criterion are always met in its implementation, then you put a checkmark in this column titled as ‘Proficient (P)’. The score received for P will be a full score of 3, which indicates proficient work in integrating learner-centric strategies in your course pedagogy design.

Some of the criteria show indicators with multiple pointers (denoted by -) of desired actions. In such cases, the more the number of pointers being met, the closer the indicator is to the distinguished level of performance.