Course Structure & Expectations

This dimension evaluates the clarity provided to learners regarding the structure of the course and initial-scale goals, target audience, prerequisites for the course, expected interactions with peers and course team, navigation of course components and grading policy.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 1:
Course Structure And Expectations
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Course framework and content The following information is provided on the course homepage before learners enroll to enable them to make an informed decision about joining the course.
Instructions on the structure of the course and how the course will be run by the team
Clear learning goals of the course along with topics and sub-topics
Clarity on target audience who may benefit from the course content
Prerequisites for the course Clear instructions are provided to learners regarding:
Any prerequisite content knowledge/skills/competencies or a preliminary course required for enhanced learning in the offered MOOC. The prerequisite content is also hyperlinked to the place where it is available
Specialised technological requirements (tools/software or instructions on how to obtain them) that may be required during the process of the course. The technological requirements are also hyperlinked for prospective participants to visit and examine
Comprehending course components Clear instructions are provided on course navigation to understand:
The structure of the different course components and locating them on the portal to facilitate ease of use
The way to get started and what requirements to be met for each module/week
The schedule for the release of different kinds of content from the team and expected deliverables from the learner
Guidelines for learner interactions with content and peers Clear and specific guidelines are provided to learners for:
Viewing of learning videos (optional vs. mandatory), performing formative and summative assessments (graded vs. non-graded) and submission guidelines
Understanding the relationship between the instructional material provided in the course and associated learning activities
Participating in discussion forums and interacting with peers
Exams and grading policy Clear instructions are provided to learners on:
Dates of the exam and the cost involved, if any through a separate information sheet or a link to the policy of the platform about exams
Mode of exam and the certification process
Grading policy and split of grades over the assignments and assessments
Communication with course team Clear instructions are provided on learners’ interactions with the course team. Details are provided on:
Modes of communication between learners and the support team with some guidance or examples for easy interaction
Kinds of queries that can be raised and expected response time
Learner-instructor interaction schedule for synchronous sessions
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D1 Average Score