Learner Connection Practices

This dimension evaluates the team’s communication mechanism with learners; and their support to foster learner motivation, learner agency and community building activities.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 8:
Learner connect practices
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Prompt communication The course offers timely communication to keep learners engaged with course activities by:
Promptly responding to learner queries on posted content, platform issues, grading questions, etc.
Reminding them to post their questions and voice their concerns
Providing regular announcements regarding upcoming material, events, pending assignments, deadlines, schedule, etc.
Motivating learners
Course team motivates the learners for experience sharing, raising queries, receiving feedback from peers and the course team by actions such as:
-rewarding learners for content engagement by appreciative name calling, giving bonus points etc.
-offering real-life opportunities for successful performances e.g. internships
Support for learner agency The course provides support to foster learner agency and enables them to:
Monitor their individual (statistical) progress on the learners’ dashboard to encourage them towards achieving higher learning goals
Manage their own learning trajectories by providing multiple optional learning resources and corresponding activities for diverse learning needs of varied learning cohorts
Community building The course team leverages community building to support collaboration and avoid isolation issues by:
Designing activities which require collaboration amongst peers and fostering discussions/feedback mechanism through structured guidelines
Offering team support in grouping of learners into cohorts for collaborative activities
Encouraging formation of other social media groups for collaborations amongst learners in an attempt to sustain their working association
Understanding learner difficulties
The course team makes special considerations to understand learner difficulties, and make necessary amends for situations such as:
-course load becoming overwhelming for most learners or study time misaligned with the assigned course credit
-learners in the state of emergency or geniuine personal challenges
Learner feedback
The course team takes an effort to connect with learners, receive their feedback suggestions to improve different components of MOOC design in the ongoing or future offerings of the course through:
-discussion forum interactions
-weekly surveys
-course exit surveys
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D8 Average Score