Discussion Forum

This dimension evaluates the opportunity provided for interactions on the discussion forum; the design of peer interaction activities; moderator support, feedback, clear communication on the forum; and integration of technology tools.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 4:
Discussion forum
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Opportunities and goals of interaction activities on the forum
Opportunities are provided for learners to interact on the discussion forum through learning activities
Forum interaction activities for learners are designed to fulfill the following pedagogical goals:
-engage learners in collaborative activities for effective peer learning
-leverage learners' queries and comments as new discussion or learning topics
-foster community building of learners with similar interests
Design of peer interaction activities Interaction activities are designed by:
Providing focused questions which avoid scattered discussion, enable learners to elicit multiple viewpoints, share experiences and generate rich discussion (e.g. Tell us about challenges that you face in your classroom while using technology)
Providing clear instructions to learners for interaction with peers based on the focused question to seed peer learning
Ensuring interactions and peer learning by incentivising learner participation (e.g. through short graded activities based on the discussion forum interactions)
Moderator support Moderation support is available to:
Maintain discipline and forum decorum
Respond to learner queries promptly
Foster peer interactions amongst learners by referring to related posts and comments
Facilitate the formation of groups for collaborative learning in group activities
Feedback on forum
Constructive and reliable feedback is provided on the forum learning activities either:
by the course team OR
by peer-review using descriptive rubrics
Clear communication
The interaction forum is used as one of the broadcast platforms to clearly communicate:
-important weekly updates of content and assignment/assessment alerts to learners
-reminders for important deadlines or extensions
-highlights of learners’ exemplary work or discussions
Integration of technology tools
Embedded technological tools (e.g. Padlet, Wikis) support in fostering interactions between peers and experience or resource sharing by learners
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D4 Average Score