Synchronous Interactions

This dimension evaluates the opportunity provided for synchronous interactions; their goals, schedule update; effective conduct; the kind of technology employed; and availability of interaction videos on the portal.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 5:
Synchronous Interactions
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Opportunities for synchronous interactions Synchronous interactions are organised to establish a learner connect with the course team:
At least once during the course or at regular intervals (e.g. once a week)
At times which do not interfere with working hours of students/professionals (e.g. rotating a google sheet to find preferred time slots for learners)
Purpose of synchronous interactions Synchronous interactions are conducted to:
Establish a personal connect between learners and the course team by clarifying their doubts and engaging in discussion on unclear topics
Offer exposure to learners from field experts and practitioners invited for synchronous interaction sessions
Update on the upcoming interaction Synchronous interactions are conducted by:
Informing learners about the schedule a few days in advance and sharing relevant content, if any
Asking learners to send their queries beforehand to make effective use of the live interactions
Effective conduct of interaction
Course team ensures to provide adequate support to learners during the synchronous interactions through actions such as:
-live discussions with audience
-synchronous chats in the chat box to manage high load of queries
-note-taking for relevant content queries to be followed up later
Ease of technology for participation
Simple technology platform (with clear instructions) is utilised for live interactions which is available to all, known to most or easy to learn, and consumes lower bandwidth
Availability of interaction videos
Synchronous interaction videos are saved and uploaded on the course portal to make it available for learners for future reference
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D5 Average Score