Assessment (Formative and Summative)

This dimension evaluates the presence and frequency of assessment activities; their format and pedagogical roles; kind of feedback provided and grading practices.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 6:
Assessment (Formative and Summative)
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Presence of formative assessment (FA) activities
FA activities are included in the course at regular intervals
Frequency of assessment opportunities
One FA activity typically follows every new concept video to:
-provide multiple opportunities to learners to understand each concept, track their own progress, receive timely feedback and improve on their learning
-provide feedback to the instructor regarding weak spots for learners which can be reiterated in teaching
2-3 summative assessments are logically positioned within the course
Format of the assessment activities
The format of the assessment activities is a mix of:
-multiple choice questions, match the following, fill in the blanks
-short answer questions, long answer questions
-simulations, educational games
-collaborative activities e.g. project work and file submissions (e.g. through wikis, collaborative discussion boards or tools such as google classroom, padlet for structured group activities, etc.)
-Seminar presentations (as individuals or in groups)
Pedagogical role of assessment activities Assessment activities are designed to engage learners at various levels of cognition. These activities in the course enable learners to:
Provide opportunities for recalling factual information and retrieval practice
Relate with relevant experiences and apply their new knowledge to a wide range of problems
Construct their own understanding (e.g. through simulations and real-world examples) of new concepts by facilitating experimentation
Stimulate the development of mental models that can help them to simplify complex information and comprehend situations
Reflect, synthesise, recombine and modify the new concepts to demonstrate knowledge integration
Feedback on assessment
Immediate feedback is provided at least for all formative assessment activities so the learners can revise on their mistakes with immediate action
Constructive feedback is provided for assessment activities to:
-ensure that feedback goes beyond stating only correct/incorrect response
-aid learners in understanding why their response is correct/incorrect and guides them in the right direction to improve learning
-address some misconceptions associated with certain incorrect responses
Grading of FA activities
The FA activities are either ungraded or carry a significantly small amount of score associated with the overall grade
Grading strategies
A mix of grading strategies are used for assessment such as:
-automated grading with feedback from the course team for objective questions
-self-assessment using rubrics/reflection tools provided to learners for open-ended question activities
-peer-assessment with guidelines and scoring rubrics with specific and descriptive criteria for open-ended activities
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D6 Average Score