Video Content

This dimension evaluates the appropriateness of video content, video chunk length, video content presentation, presence of in-video activities, purpose, positioning and time-span of in-video activities and feedback on in-video activities.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 2:
Video Content
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Video content appropriateness The video content used in the course is:
Updated on the topic to illustrate significant literature findings in the field
Represented with relevant and interesting examples/experiences to engage learners
Video chunk length
The learning content is chunked into short videos (recommended <10 min) where each video entails a single learning concept
Presence of in-video activities
Instructional strategy goes beyond making learners watch videos and make notes by inserting in-videos activities to engage the learners
Purpose of in-video activities The in-video activities are designed in a way that they:
Provide the learners with an opportunity to
-pause and perform independent reflection on their prior knowledge or concept learnt in the video, and
-articulate their reasoning in response to the activity
Are not always limited to recall level questions but sometimes challenge learners with high order thinking skills in alignment with the desired learning outcome of the video
Positioning and time-span of in-video activities The in-video activities are:
Positioned in a relevant context, where there is a natural connection between an individual activity and the subsequent video content
Designed with an expectation from the learner to spend only 1-2 min so that they do not digress from the content
Feedback on in-video activity and its nature Immediately after the in-video question or activity, feedback:
Is provided to the learners
Addresses some anticipated responses from learners, clears some misconceptions and explains why some of them may be correct or incorrect
Video content presentation
To address learner connect, different modes are used for different video content presentations based on their pedagogical purposes such as:
-talking head: for establishing connect and narratives
-infographics: for emphasising on content and ensuring accuracy
-picture in picture (PiP): for capturing both connect and content
-screen capture: for process explanation, software demonstration
-handwritten digital notes: for annotation, step-wise explanation
-animations/simulations: for explaining a phenomenon, introducing interactivity
-lab recordings and interviews: for adding realism
Attention is paid to prevent learners from distractions such as:
noisy and disturbing audios
jazzy background display
font sizes typically larger than 20
unsynchronized screen action and audio narration
During the creation of slides, animations or simulations used in the course, the incorporated visuals and graphics support the learning goals of content, and are not used as decorative images
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D2 Average Score