Constructive Alignment and Academic Integrity

This dimension evaluates the alignment of content through principles of constructive alignment; effective alignment of technology and pedagogy; and basic academic integrity practices.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 7:
Constructive alignment and academic integrity
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Constructive alignment The course content follows the principle of constructive alignment by:
Aligning teaching-learning activities with the defined learning outcomes
Aligning formative/summative assessment with the teaching-learning activities presented to learners
Aligning assessment activities with stated learning outcomes specified for various concepts, topic or modules
Alignment of technology and pedagogy The integrated technology tools used in the course:
Promote active learning by providing opportunities to engage with content through technology
Support achievement of learning outcomes for desired concepts through use of technology tools, social networking platforms, wikis, video conferencing, etc.
Enhance social learning, collaboration and community building
Academic integrity Clear instructions are provided on course navigation to understand:
The copyrighted work curated for the course content is obtained through legal means. The course models academic integrity by quoting source references and permissions for use of curated instructional materials (e.g., blogs, infographics, websites, videos, articles, etc.)
The course team educates the students to some extent about academic integrity through misconduct examples and their implications
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D7 Average Score