Learning Resources

This dimension evaluates the presence of supplementary learning resources, their goals to address diverse learning needs and ensuring learner engagement with resources.

Peformance Levels
Dimension 3:
Learning Resources
Indicators for evaluation
Missing (0)
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (2)
Proficient (3)
Indicator Score Avg. Criterion Score
Offering of supplementary learning resources
The course offers supplementary learning resources for all important content topics to enhance the depth and breadth of learning in varied trajectories
Addressing diverse learner needs and interests It is recommended that the learning resources provided be diverse in terms of format and cognitive levels to meet varied learning preferences and goals of diverse learners with varying ability, special needs or other characteristics. The course supports learner needs and interests by:
Providing a variety of curated/created resources in different formats, with appropriate wrappers and rationale, that may include a mix of:
-interactive videos
-audio resources
-book readings or literature papers, infographics
-links to advanced specialised courses, seminars, blogs, websites etc.
-expert interviews/discussions, educational games, simulations etc.
Providing resources of different cognitive levels (remedial as well as advanced content) for learners with varying abilities, needs and cognitive interests
Making it easy for learners to access and understand the content by:
-providing text transcripts or captions for non-text or multimedia content
-maximizing compatibility with user tools e.g. providing options for different browsers and software
-Adjusting the speed of content delivery to accommodate the learning mechanism of diverse learners
Providing an autonomy to learners to choose their own learning resources from the offered set (e.g. learner is expected to engage with only 1-2 resources out of the set of learning resources offered per week)
Ensuring learner engagement with resources
Learner engagement with these resources is ensured by incentivising the engagement in some form (e.g. through short graded activity based on key concepts presented in the resources)
(please ensure to fill-in all indicators)
D3 Average Score